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An event is anything that is happening inside or outside of your organization and that you would like to put on member's calendars so they won't forget.

Events can be added at the committee level by any committee admin or at the organization level by an organization admin. Organization events can be published to all or selected committees in the organization.

When you add an event to a committee, the event will show up on the calendar of all members of that committee. Hovering over the event on the calendar will show a quick summary. Clicking on the event will open a new page showing all the event details.

The events feature is available starting from the Standard plan.

Create a new event

To create an event, click on the ‘More’ menu option and select ‘Events’. Click on ‘New event’ and the event editor will open.

Enter the event details and choose the date when this event should show up on member’s calendars.

From the Visibility date forward, the event will show on the dashboard calendar and overview page calendar of each committee member. Members can click on the event and add the event to their personal calendars.

Here is an example event page:

Events can also be created at the organization level for all or selected committees to view.

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