Quick polls
Quick polls are an easy and fast way to get feedback or votes from your entire team. It only takes a minute to setup a new poll and send a voting request to all members.
Simply type a question and possible answers, preview and send! You can see the intermediate results any time and will get a notification when all registered members submitted their vote.
Quick polls are available with any paid subscription plan.
Create a new quick poll
Click on the ‘More’ menu button and select ‘Quick polls’. Click on ‘New quick poll’. The quick poll wizard will open to help you create the poll quickly.
Poll details
Enter a question and the possible choices and select the poll type. You can choose between ‘single choice’ (members can pick one choice only) or multiple choices (members can pick more than one choice).

Once all choices are in, click on ‘Next’ to select the options.
Quick poll settings
The (optional) closing date is the last date members will be able to vote.

As long as the quick poll is not published, members won’t be able to see it. You can preview the quick poll and go back to make any changes if necessary. Once finalized, publish the quick poll and send notifications.
Members will receive an email notification with a link to the quick poll page.