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There are several ways to communicate and discuss topics outside of the meeting room using MyCommittee and which one to use depends on the context, user preference and convenience.


Messages are the most flexible way to have a secure and private discussion between two or more members of your board or committee. Messages are similar to email. You enter a subject and a body, pick the recipients and click on ‘Send’. The recipient(s) will be notified that a new message arrived and they can view and respond. All your messages can be archived and searched for future reference.


Comments are an easy way to communicate with all members at once. You can add comments to a meeting or to a document or you can simply start a new comment thread not linked to anything. Members will get notified, can view and respond. Comments are saved forever and can be searched as well.

Offline meetings

If you want a more structured and documented discussion and maybe discuss more than one topic at once, an offline meeting might be a great solution. You can add multiple discussion items, the meeting is time-boxed and all members can participate. You can read more about offline meetings here.

Frequently asked questions

Can I still modify a message after it was sent?

No, a message is like an email, after you click on 'Send', the message is gone and appears in the receiver(s) inbox immediately. It can no longer be modified. 

How do I delete a message?

Messages can be deleted by selecting the message (put a check-mark in the front) and click on the 'delete' link in the header. You can restore deleted messages from the 'Deleted messages' tab for up to 30 days. After 30 days, deleted messages are removed permanently!

Can I still modify a comment after it was posted?

Yes, comments can be edited by the poster (and admin users) by clicking the pencil icon. Comments can also be deleted by clicking the trash icon but please note that this operation cannot be undone!

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