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Document categories

Documents are organized in categories. When you create a new committee, one default category called ‘Committee documents’ is automatically created to get you started.

Each committee needs at least one category to upload documents but you can create as many categories as required. To create a new category go to the ‘Documents’ page, click on the ‘More’ menu button and select ‘Manage categories’. On the Document categories page, click on ‘New category’.

To edit or delete a category, click the ‘More’ button (…) and select the action you want to perform.

Note that you cannot delete a category that contains documents. You will need to delete the documents or move them to a different category first.

System categories

MyCommittee will create a few categories automatically when you use certain features. Here is a list of the system created categories and their default category names:

  1. Committee documents
    This is your first default category.

  2. Meeting agendas
    Each time you create the minutes of a meeting, a final agenda document is created in PDF format automatically and stored in this category.

  3. Meeting minutes
    Each time you approve the minutes of a meeting, a final copy of the meeting minutes is created in PDF format automatically and stored in this category.

  4. Meeting packages
    This category is used to automatically store your generated board or meeting packages.

  5. Offline meeting summaries
    When you approve the summary of an offline meeting, a final copy of the summary is created in PDF format and stored in this category.

You can rename all of these categories without affecting the functionality. When you delete a system category, it will be recreated with the default name next time you perform an action that expects the category to exist.

Default upload category

When you upload a new document, you can select the category where the document should be saved to. The default upload category is the category that is automatically pre-selected each time you upload a new document.

To change the default upload category go to the ‘Manage categories’ page and click on the ‘More’ (…) button of the desired category. Click on ‘Make default upload category’.

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