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Document folders

Documents are stored and organized in an hierarchical folder structure. Every board or committee has their own private document space and can build their own unique folder structure but documents can be shared outside of this private space as well.

In addition to the folders you create, MyCommittee will create a number of system folders to store documents that are created automatically at various stages. More about this below.

When you navigate to the Documents area, the initial view will show your board or committee root folder. You can immediately upload documents to this folder or create new folders and subfolders to organize your documents.

Root folder structure

The root folder structure is created automatically by the system and is the base for your documents storage.

The organization folder is at the very top of the folder structure and can be accessed by every board or committee in the organization. Only organization admin users can upload and share documents in this folder but every member (user) can view and download these documents.

Just below the organization folder is the board or committee root folder. This is the folder that will show automatically when you navigate to the documents area of your board or committee. All board or committee documents will be uploaded in this folder or one of the user created subfolders.

When a new board or committee is created, the system will automatically create the board or committee root folder and one dedicated folder named General documents that can be used to share documents related to the functioning of the board or committee.

The organization and committee root folders cannot be renamed or moved to maintain the integrity of the root folder structure.

Manage folders

Create a new folder

To create a new folder, navigate to where you want to create the new folder and click on the (Menu) button next to the parent folder to open the folder menu. Click on New folder, enter the folder name and click on Save.

The new folder can be used immediately to save documents or to create subfolders.

Rename a folder

To rename a folder, find the folder you want to rename and click on the (Menu) button to open the folder menu. Click on Rename, enter the new name of the folder and click on Save.

Move a folder

To move a folder, navigate to the folder you want to move and click on the button to open the folder menu. Click on Move and select the destination folder. Click on Move again and the folder together with its entire contents will be moved to the selected destination.

Delete a folder

To delete a folder, find the folder you want to delete and click on the (Menu) button to open the folder menu. Click on Send to recycle bin and click Ok on the confirmation window.

This will remove the folder and all of its subfolders and send all the documents contained in the folder and all subfolders to the recycling bin.

Note: If you restore a document from the recycle bin, the document will be restored to the original folder. If the folder was removed, it will be restored as well.

System folders

At certain stages in the meeting process, the system will automatically create PDF documents of final meeting agendas, minutes, etc. for your records.

To store these documents, the system will also automatically create a number of dedicated folders.

Here is a list of system created folders:

  • Meeting agendas

  • Meeting minutes

  • Offline meeting agendas

  • Offline meeting summaries

  • Meeting packages

System folders cannot be deleted because the system depends on their existence but these folders can be moved and/or renamed as desired.

System folders will be created automatically the first time they are needed to store a document. For instance, if you don’t use meeting packages, the Meeting packages folder will not exist.

Frequently asked questions

Why can't I move some folders?

All folders created by users can be moved but there are a few (system created) folders that cannot be moved. This is to protect the basic root folder structure. The organization root folder and the board or committee root folders are fixed at the root level and cannot be moved.

Why can't I delete some folders?

System folders, to store documents that are automatically created cannot be deleted. The system creates these folders when needed and functionality depends on their existence. These system folders can be moved and renamed if desired but they can’t be deleted.

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