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More about decision items

The decision item currently supports two types of votes:

  1. Multiple choice - Single answer
    Members will only be able to select one choice of the available choices. This type of vote will show as a list of radio buttons and the user can select one choice only.

  2. Ranking
    With this type of vote, members can rank the choices by their preference. All choices will show as a list of boxes. Users can just drag & drop the choices in the preferred order.

How are ranking votes calculated?

The score of a ranking vote is a weighted calculation. Items ranked first are given a higher weight and the score for each answer is the sum of all the weighted values. The weight values are dynamically determined by the number of choices.

For example, if you have 4 choices, the choice ranked highest gets a weight of 4, the next one 3 and so on. If you had 5 choices, the highest ranked item would get a weight of 5 and so on down to 1.

The table below shows how the score is calculated for each choice (row)

Total responses



Rank 1 count




Rank 2 count




Rank 3 count




Rank 4 count





Total score for choice X

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