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Recurring meetings

Most boards or committees meet regularly and typically use a fixed schedule to determine the next meeting date (E.g. The first Wednesday of every month).

MyCommittee provides the option to create up to three recurring meeting schedules per committee. This allows you for instance, to setup a monthly and annual schedule. Each time you create a new meeting, MyCommittee will use the schedule(s) to calculate the next meeting date and time automatically.

You can manage recurring meeting schedules under: Committee settings → Meetings → Regular meetings.

Frequently asked questions

How can I create a recurring meeting schedule?

Click on the cog icon in the menu bar to go to Committee setting. Click on Meetings and select ‘Regular meeting’. On this page select ‘New recurring schedule’. The schedule editor will open.

Schedule editor

Select the desired settings and go back to ‘Regular meetings’ at the top when finished. The schedule will be saved automatically.

I created a meeting schedule but I can't see any meetings. What's wrong?

Please note: A meeting schedule is only a model that is used each time you create a new meeting or use the monthly meeting planner. Setting up a schedule does not automatically create any meetings.

Recurring meetings related topics

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