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Role based email addresses

Some organizations use permanent role-based email addresses that are temporarily assigned to a real person during the time that person takes on a certain role. For instance ‘’, ‘’, etc. This can create issue with MyCommittee since we use the email address as the unique identifier for a person.

As a best practice, we recommend to always use a personal email address for new members in order to avoid name mix-up and/or privacy issues in the future. Sharing an account and password might lead to inaccurate references in historical messages, comments, etc.

If you have no choice and need to use a role-based email address, please follow the instructions below when changing ownership to the new member.


  1. Deactivate the account of the outgoing member. To do this, login with the role based email address, Go to ‘Profile’ -> ‘Deactivate my account’ and confirm.

  2. Remove the stale member from the committee. This will preserve the real name of the member for historical references throughout the committee. Go to ‘People’ and click on the ‘More’ options and select ‘Remove member’. Enter the end date and confirm.

  3. Add the new member with the same email address and choose the option 'This is a different person'. A new member record will be created.

  4. Send a welcome email.

  5. The new member will be able to sign up as any other member and enter their real name for future reference.

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