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Two step verification

Two-step verification helps protect you by making it more difficult for someone else to sign in to your MyCommittee account. It uses two different forms of identity: your password, and a contact method (also known as security info). Even if someone else finds your password, they'll be stopped if they don't have access to your security info.

How does two step verification work?

When you turn on two-step verification, you’ll get a security code to your phone or authenticator app every time you sign in on a device that isn't trusted.

What is an authenticator app?

An Authenticator app is a small app that you install on your mobile device and is used to generate a security verification code. You will have to enter the security verification code generated by this app after you enter your username and password when you login in MyCommittee. The verification code provides a second form of authentication that is unique to you.

You will have to download your preferred authenticator app (Google, Microsoft, Twilio, etc.) from your device's app store before setting up two step verification so it’s ready to scan a unique code during setup.

Go to the app store on your device and search for ‘authenticator app’.

Do I need to provide the security code each time I login?

When you own the device you are using to login to MyCommittee, for instance your home computer, you can tell MyCommittee to 'trust' this device. (There is a checkbox under the input box where you enter the security code). Next time you login using this device, MyCommittee will only ask for your password and you won't have to enter the extra security code.

When you login from another device, MyCommittee will again ask you to provide the security code to make sure it is you. You can trust more than one device.

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