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Minutes wizard

The minutes wizards helps you to quickly create the meeting minutes during or after the meeting.

The wizard imports all the information from the meeting agenda and all you need to do is complete the actual meeting details, attendance and the key discussion points for each agenda item. As with the agenda wizard, the minutes wizard will pre-populate most of the data and before you even get started, the minutes are already half completed.

Here is how the wizard look just after you clicked on Create minutes:

Minutes wizard

As with the agenda wizard, you can navigate between all steps using the bottoms at the top or between next and previous steps using the bottom navigation buttons and all information is saved automatically as you type or make changes.

Editing agenda information

Since the agenda information is imported and rarely needs changing, many of the agenda edit fields (like: purpose, location, agenda item description, etc.) are hidden to simply the minutes edit pages. All imported information can be viewed and edited though. Look for the little pencil icon next to some of the labels to make corrections to agenda related fields.


As with the agenda wizard, the minutes will only become available to members after they are published. You can send a notification at that time as well.

Approve for distribution

Similar to the agenda, committees that require approval from the chair before the minutes can be distributed can enable this in the committee settings. An extra ‘Approval’ step will be inserted in the wizard to manage the approval process and the ‘Publish’ feature will be disabled until the minutes are approved for distribution.

Approval of the minutes

The minutes that are published after the meeting usually need to be approved before they become the official minutes.

To mark minutes as approved in MyCommittee, go to the meeting, click on the ‘More’ menu button and click on ‘Approve minutes’. A confirmation page will open. Click again on ‘Approve minutes’ to confirm.

A PDF version of the final minutes will be created automatically and saved under category ‘Meeting minutes’. you can rename this category.

Please note: Minutes can no longer be edited after they are approved.

Frequently asked questions

Can I customize the header and footer of the minutes?

Yes, please see the minutes headers and footers help in the Committee settings for details on customizing the minutes format. Some options set under the agenda settings (E.g. numbering, indentation) will be used for the minutes as well.

You will find other options under the minutes settings to change the style and content of the minutes.

In the PDF settings for minutes you can add an optional signature block that can be customized to your needs.

More minutes wizard related topics

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