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Offline meeting summary

When an offline meeting ends, the organizer will receive a notification as a reminder to create the summary of the meeting. Voting results will be calculated and summarized automatically but, as with regular meeting minutes, the meeting summary will need to be completed and published before member will have access.

Create offline meeting summary

To create the summary, go to the offline meeting and click on ‘Edit summary’. The offline meeting summary wizard will open. Browse through the agenda items and enter the conclusion of the vote or summary of the discussion.

Once all items are summarized, click on the ‘Publish’ tab to publish the summary and notify members.

Voting details

On the meeting summary, voting details are visible so the voting results are open and transparent. All members will be able to view the details for both single answer votes as ranking votes. Click on ‘View details’ on any summary page to view the detailed voting results.

Learn more about decision items and how results are calculated.


Decisions made in offline meetings can easily be viewed on the ‘Decisions’ page. To view all offline meeting decisions go to the ‘Meetings page’ and click on ‘Decisions’.

Summary approval

Similar to meeting minutes, offline meeting summaries can be approved. To approve a meeting summary, go to the offline meeting and click on ‘Approve summary’. A final summary in PDF format will be created automatically and stored under category ‘Offline meeting summaries’.

Note that an offline meeting summary can no longer be edited once approved.

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