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Ad hoc meetings

‘Ad hoc meetings' is a free tool to schedule personal meetings with anyone. You can use it for occasions where you just need a single meeting with selected board or committee members or for a meeting not related to any of your committees at all. Participants don’t need to be MyCommittee users.

Ad hoc meetings are easy to manage using their own agenda and minutes wizards and are available with any plan and to all registered MyCommittee users.

To schedule an ad hoc meeting, go to ‘Ad hoc meetings’ from the Dashboard page and click on ‘New meeting’. The agenda wizard will open and will guide you through the steps to setup your meeting.

During or after the meeting, click on ‘Create minutes’ and the minutes wizard will help you to quickly create the meeting minutes.

If you need to decide on a meeting date, the agenda wizard has a meeting date poll tool built-in that allows you to quickly poll your participants for their availability before setting the date.

Frequently asked questions

Can all participants see the online agenda?

Absolutely! When you publish the agenda, every participant will get a personalized notification email with a link to the online agenda. Participants, not registered with MyCommittee, will be asked to confirm their email and enter a password for future access. (one time only).
When you publish the minutes afterwards, another email with a link to the online meeting minutes is sent to each participant.

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